Thursday, June 3, 2010


A motivation and a keen desire to touch the borders of the ocean,
to reach the sea shore and break the devotion........
An immense desire to reach the sky,
having a competition with the kite soooo high............
The fanatic empathy to the galaxies in the universe,
to sooth them and myself high..................
A feel to glitter with the twinkle sooo high,
to talk with him and make his loneliness shy.......
A deal with the rain to pour hot water,
sooo as to sooth the people shivering in the cold...........
A fuel added to my energy is the
motivation, coming on with my dreams.........
A self desire to become soo big, so as the world will bound by not being selfish..........
My motivation, a ladder towards the accomplishment of my dreams.................
I will fulfil and build my castles onto it............................